
2016年6月8日 星期三

Eukaryotic Transcription Cycle

New Discoveries on Eukaryotic Transcription Cycle
  • Enhancers were found to be at the heart of deciphering contemporary regulatory biology. The discovery of enhancer RNA (eRNA)-producing transcription units as most functional enhancers has profound implications in future understanding of gene regulation, development and disease. (Nature Reviews Genetics, 2016)
  • A pioneer factor FoxA was found to displace linker histone H1, thereby keeping enhancer nucleosomes accessible in chromatin and allowing other liver-specific transcription factors to bind and stimulate transcription. This discovery provided new evidence for nucleosomal configuration of open chromatin and the basis for its regulation mechanism. (Molecular Cell, 2016)
  • A pooling-based approach was introduced to mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for molecular-level traits. These QTLs not only affect local chromatin and transcription but also influence long-range chromosomal contacts, demonstrating a role for natural genetic variation in chromosomal architecture. The findings of this research suggested that transcription factor (TF) binding variation may play a crucial role in human phenotypic variation. (Cell, 2016)
RNA polymerases
 Name  Subcellular Location  Transcription Product(s)
 RNA Polymerase I  Nucleolus  rRNAs
 RNA Polymerase II  Nucleus  mRNAs, snRNAs, siRNAs, miRNAs
 RNA Polymerase III  Nucleus  tRNAs, 5s rRNAs, snRNA U6, SRP RNA, other short RNAs

 Abbreviation   Full Name
  CPSF   Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor
  CSTF   Cleavage stimulation factor
  DSIF   DRB sensitivity-inducing factor complex
  NELF   Negative elongation factor
  PAFc   Polymerase-associated factor complex
  PAB   Poly(A) binding protein
  PAP   Poly(A) polymerase
  SECs   Super elongation complexes
  TF   Transcription factor

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POLR2F monoclonal antibody (M02), clone 2G2
Immunofluorescence staining of HeLa cells with POLR2F monoclonal antibody (M02), clone 2G2 (Cat # H00005435-M02) at 10 ug/mL.

EAF1 purified MaxPab mouse polyclonal antibody (B01P)
Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections) staining of human stomach (FFPE) with EAF1 purified MaxPab mouse polyclonal antibody (B01P) (Cat # H00085403-B01P) at 3 ug/mL.

Fluorescent in situ hybridization of human lung adenosquamous cell carcinoma (FFPE) with MLL/CEN11p FISH Probe (Cat # FG0016).

MLL (Texas Red)

Wenbo Li, et.al. (2016). Nature Review Genetics. DOI: 10.1038/nrg.2016.4
Makiko Iwafuchi-Doi, et. al. (2016) Molecular Cell. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2016.03.001
Ashley K. Tehranchi, et. al. (2016) Cell. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.03.041

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